As part of the MetEOC-3 project and in support of Copernicus Cal/Val activities, Rayference, with the support of the European Space Agency and the EC Joint Research Centre, proposed to lay out the fundamental principles for the development of a 3D Monte Carlo ray tracing radiation transfer model featuring:
user-oriented requirements;
support for a broad variety of physical radiative processes;
modern programming technologies and practices promoting code extensibility (e.g., a modular design which allows to easily implement additional physical models);
a flexible user interface allowing a wide variety of usages (e.g. computation of radiative properties, support for sensor calibration, usage as a reference for benchmarking);
a development policy based on open contribution (open source licensing, public code hosting, high quality documentation, integration of code additions, scenes and test cases from contributors).
The objectives of this workshop are to:
define the user requirements for this new model. These requirements can focus on the implementation of physical models or numerical methods, the implementation of interface elements or specific code design features;
define a first series of test cases for verification and showcasing. These test cases will cover reference scenes for the verification and validation of the model, as well as examples to showcase its capabilities.